Help For Business Returning To Work

It’s been an odd few months. We’ve all been affected in different ways. We’re all perhaps worried and have underlying concerns about things starting again. As different places begin reopening, what help is there for businesses returning to work?

For employees, they should familiarise themselves with their employers return to work procedures. If employees become unwell, they should still self-isolate for 14 days. If you’re a business owner, cleaning processes need to be more frequent and there are other key points to put in place as you reopen. Keeping clear communications in place is important. If everyone knows what’s going on and where
Financially, don’t forget that you can apply for Bounce Back Business Loans. These are government backed loans where there is no interest or payments to be made for the first 12 months. After that it is just 2.5% interest. The second and final SEISS payment will be open for applications from 17th August too. This has been a lifeline for many self-employed people that lost work overnight. If neither of these schemes apply, you can check what government finance help there is available to you here.
If you own and operate a business you need to concentrate on the fundamentals of getting business going again. Whatever business you are operating, there will be changes to make and things to put in place before you welcome customers, clients and guests back. So many of us have been in an alternate head space for a good couple of months and our wellbeing is important as we reintroduce ourselves to the working world. Leave the accounts up to an expert and get in touch with a professional bookkeeper. A quality bookkeeper will be able to take the numbers off your plate and even help you find ways to save money. If you need any help with your bookkeeping please contact us here at Bruton Young.
The very best of luck going back to work.