Would You Rather Have More Time Or More Money?

We all love to play the "would you rather" games. My children's favourite is fingers as toes, or toes as fingers? It brings endless hilarious discussion and amicable differences of opinion. 

A question that came up in conversation with a client a while ago was the one at the top of this post. Which is more important to you? It could be either or both and there is no right or wrong answer. Everyone has their own priorities. However this particular client said that using our services meant that she had both more time and more money!

So how did we achieve that for her?

Well firstly, she didn't have to stress over her paperwork and give up her evenings and weekends to plough through a massive pile of receipts entering them to a spreadsheet. In fact, since using our services she hasn't had receipts at all. She snaps a quick photo each time she buys something, throws away the original receipt and uploads the photo direct into her QuickBooks software, provided and paid for by us. She therefore has a tidier office and no massive amounts of folders to keep for the mandatory 6 years laid out by HMRC. 

This in turn saves her money on stationery, folders, storage files etc. 

Because all of the receipts are electronically stored in the cloud, there is no postage of an envelope of receipts each month or quarter, savings trips to the post office and postage costs. 

In addition, because she is now in the habit of photographing every receipt, she knows that every allowable expense will be claimed when we prepare her tax return, maximising her claimable expenses and reducing the tax she has to pay. 

All receipts and transactions are processed in real time, meaning that the tax liability is calculated within a few days of the end of the tax year. No rushing to meet a 31st January deadline or gather funds to pay a surprise tax bill. 

From this satisfied client, the message we have received loud and clear is that not only do we save her time and money, she also has total peace of mind and no stress around dealings with HMRC or her tax bills. 

Do you fancy saving time, money and stress? Get in touch...