If you find yourself with a little bit of extra time right now, don't sit and scroll through the socials. Use this time to your advantage and spring clean your business.
Get On Top Of Your Accounts
How are you accounts looking? Have you let them slip recently? Now is the time to get on top of them! Organising your figures will put you in a better position, knowing what your cash flow is like and what the state of the business is. It will make things easier when you come to file your returns and pay your taxes too. If you need a bookkeeper to help with your accounts, please do get in touch. It's time to spring clean your business accounts.
Get The Best Prices
When was the last time you checked how much you are paying for everything? When you run a business, you are paying for the likes of office rent, insurance, website hosting and of course products. You might even be paying for temporary staff, renting office equipment and simple things like broadband. Take some time to see if you can bring those costs down. Every saving is a huge benefit to your business right now.
Get Creative
Can you use this time to give your business a makeover? If you're a café unable to open can you repaint the walls, move the furniture around into a different layout or simply add some local photography to your walls? If you're a business with a website, can you add some pages to show off your company more? Add a blog, revamp your images, add some new head shots of the team? Maybe even rebrand yourself for a fresh approach going forward? Think outside the box and see how you can spring clean your business in a creative way.
Make yourself a cup of tea and use this time to get yourself back on track.