Run Your Business Like A Jedi

As it’s May The 4th, let’s take a look at some of the business lessons we can learn from the ultimate mega movie series that is Star Wars. From the mind of George Lucas and then purchased by Disney, you’ll be able to watch it all on the new Disney+ streaming service should you want more inspiration after reading this post.

“I find your lack of faith disturbing”
Spoken by the menacing Darth Vader in Episode IV, it’s quite a simple phrase but speaks volumes. Without faith in your business, your skills, your abilities, you won’t reach your goals. There has to be trust within your company, especially between colleagues. A team that doesn’t have trust isn’t on the same page, they’re just Solo (!) people working together. You could have the most amazing employees, with unbeatable talents but if trust is not present, the potential of the business will never be reached.
“You must unlearn what you have learned.”
A classic quote from Yoda. What does it mean though? Well first, let’s discuss the fact that Yoda gives advice to all. He is the ultimate mentor. Just as Qui-Gon Jinn is to Obi-Wan Kenobi and he to Luke Skywalker. Getting yourself a trusted advisor is important in business. Someone who you can soundboard ideas from, who will pull you back on track, who will pull you up when you are down. It’s not only finding support yourself, it’s being a support to others. The quote itself shows that we can fall into a routine, one which might not always work or be the best way to do things. The Rebellion tries something new, listens to fresh ideas and adapts their plans. Shaking up our processes, trying something different might be the best way to turn your business around and make it a success.
“Learning to make films is very easy. Learning what to make films about is very hard.”
Our final quote is directly from the mouth of Star Wars creator, George Lucas. The idea behind the saga set in a galaxy far, far away, wasn’t that much of an original idea. He mixed genres to create something that little bit different. The idea of a “Western movie set in outer space” you might not think would be a global success, but it was. He mixed genres, borrowed ideas, created something new. Even the well-known and well-loved C3PO and R2D2 were apparently inspired by two characters in The Hidden Fortress, a film by Japanese director Akira Kurosawa. So often the best ideas are a mash up of things that have already been done. It can be true of other areas of industry too. Learning to make clothes is a skill but once you’ve done that, what clothes do you make?
May the force be with you, today and always.